I have a problem. The first step is admitting it, right?
I can't seem to rid myself of leftover bits of yarn - no matter how small the bit - when I'm finished with a project. So I wind it into a ball, stuff it into a ziploc bag, and send it off to the yarn graveyard...that part of my stash that hasn't seen the light of day in ages, mostly occupied by acrylic yarns that I bought before I knew any better.
I was doing a bit of tidying up the other day when I found the dreaded bag of leftovers. I got that feeling I get when I find something tucked away in the back of the fridge and open it to find some sort of science experiment in which I wasn't aware I was participating. Still, I couldn't bear the thought of throwing it out. Rest assured, that is not the case with the aforementioned fridge goo. So what did I do? Enter the pompom! I sat at the computer watching online episodes of Dexter and wrapping little circles with yarn, then cutting and fluffing the little balls of yarn until my hands hurt.

Now, what to do with them? I mean, they're not particularly useful but they are kind of fun to look at, though not just piled up in on the table. I had a cute little bowl that was just sitting around, well, doing nothing but looking cute. It has now become the new home for my outlet for moments of jadedness and looks rather interesting as a decorative piece on my desk. At least the guilt I felt for being a bit of a hoarder has subsided...for now.

My name is Alex and I'm a stashaholic.
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